Middle school years are generally the most traumatic. The child is in the process of becoming a teenager. It is a period of confusion, of searching for one’s identity, of gaining independence, and of reassessment. It is particularly crucial that the student has proper peer and adult role models in a controlled, Christian atmosphere.

Middle School

6th, 7th & 8th

The middle school provides an opportunity for transition from the elementary to the high school. Students are slowly introduced to fifty minute periods, the use of lockers between subjects, middle school clubs and changing classes. The slow transition over the course of an entire school year helps to cushion the typical abrupt shock of a sixth grader suddenly thrust into middle school. A strong traditional curriculum is carried forward into the middle grades. Specialized teachers instruct individual subjects in their area of expertise. Emphasis is placed upon the mastery of foundational mathematics and English skills. The Bible curriculum is extended to include a daily chapel program where Christian life values, decision making and character training are stressed. Science and social studies become more intense and critical thinking is taught.

Successful completion of middle school at Heritage Preparatory School ensures the student of a solid academic foundation. This is necessary for the rigorous demands of a high school like Heritage where only a college preparatory diploma is offered.


Heritage offers a great diversity in extracurricular activities. The Middle and High School students have the opportunity to participate in athletic competition on and off the courts. Boys and girls volleyball, boys and girls basketball, cross country and cheerleading are the main competitive activities. Also Spelling Bees, art fairs, Social Studies Quiz Kids, International Week, music lessons, talent shows, dramatic training, science projects and field trips supplement the curriculum. Fitness and entertainment are products of field day, intramural sports and physical education classes.

Heritage is committed to a sound, well rounded and busy extracurricular program. The school’s philosophy is simply this: A busy student is a happy student who has no time for getting into trouble! All students are urged to become active in student government. Through the Heritage Student Government Federation, students have the opportunity to run for office, register and vote for candidates of their choice and gain a better understanding of the workings of the American political system. Each class elects officers to take care of class business, raise funds for various projects and plan class trips and get-togethers.

National Honor Society Induction, Graduations (5th, 8th and 12th), Homecoming, Valentine Coronation, Junior/Senior Social and The Purple & Gold (awards banquet) are favorite occasions for high-school students. These dress up affairs encourage the development of social skills and all students are urged to participate.

Heritage Prep School • 6000 West Colonial Dr. • Orlando, FL 32808 • Phone: (407) 293-6000

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